

Everybody is responsible for safeguarding children. This is regardless of your occupation, how frequently you work with children, or how often you interact with their families. We all have a responsibility to keep children safe.

Our experienced safeguarding team are available to deliver individual face to face online training as well as whole staff training for schools, colleges and hospitals.

Our certified courses are accredited by Tutor Care, with online certification sent on the day and printed certificates posted the next working day. Course content was amended in September 2022 to reflect the changes made to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2022.

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    • CPD delivered by practicing, highly experienced leaders
    • Current, research-based approach to CPD
    • Diverse range of tailored courses & programmes
    • Bespoke CPD packages and INSET opportunities
    Ambition. logo
    Education development trust. logo
    NHS digital academy. logo
    SafeCert. logo
    Teach First. logo
    TutorCare. logo